Monday, July 20, 2009


I have to admit this last week was an interesting adventure and also a huge array of emotions from up to down to all around. As I was settling into my new apartment I found many things to be true some are as follows ... you can use a pillow case as a dish towel, scrambed eggs can be eaten out of a bowl with your hands, a big red spatula can replace a fork when needed - it's just harder to fit into your mouth, and friends are truly a blessing.

I didn't know taking an hour to be together with friends would mean as much as it does to me right now, even if you are just shooting pool at Gumby's. Thank you. Also a person's legs can get them many places, even if it's over 20 blocks away ... or 1 and a fourth block.


Unknown said...

It was 10 blocks, and mostly my back.

Rae said...

1 block and 3 houses. Can we get a re-count?

Ryan tributed Gumby's for my softball skills last week. I think he might be right...